I am so blessed.
I have a wonderful Mum who is a fantastic Nanna to my 2 beautiful girls.

She taught me so many things but the ones I am most grateful for are the importance of kindness and patience. I have to say that I am not always very good at the latter but every time I watch her playing or cooking with my daughters, it reminds me what a wonderful thing it is. She is also responsible for instilling in me my creativity. She taught me how to sew and has been so supportive in everything I try. She is a truly amazing woman and I am very lucky to be her daughter. I am also very lucky to be granddaughter to my amazing Nan.

This remarkable woman never ceases to amaze me. Her sense of fun; her honesty; her love of life and her ability to turn any party into the best one you have ever been to. It is a testament to what a wonderful grandmother she is that my grown up school friends still call her "Nan" and ask after her. My beautiful Eloise reminds me so much of her. Her humour, her sense of style and her love of a good dessert!

Finally, I have these two amazingly beautiful and wonderful little girls. Both surprised me in bed this morning with homemade gifts (a shell strung on a pink ribbon and a decorated tissue box to keep it in); beautiful cards and plenty of hugs.
I am so blessed.