Phew. It's been a busy old week this last one. It's our biggest
Devonport Craft Market of the year this coming Sunday so we've been running around like crazy things sorting that all the little bits and pieces that need to be done for that.

Sarah of
Songbird Designs (who organises the DCM with me) and I shared a stall space at a wonderful school fair last weekend. It was at the Michael Park Steiner School in Ellerslie which is an extraordinairy and magical place, full of beautiful wooden buildings and lovely grounds.

It was great to meet lots of lovely new people and lots of our things went to new homes.
That means a lot more sewing and making before this Sunday!

After all the excitement and exhaustion of the weekend, I ended up with a horrible migraine on Sunday night and missed out on the Craft Social. Sarah very kindly took my Santa for the Christmas themed swap down and I was lucky enough to get these beautiful beaded decorations from Helene of
Mira Design.

And if that wasn't enough excitement for one week, it was my birthday yesterday.

I wasn't "seventy something" as my darling daughter told someone at school. Still 30 something but edging very close to the big F word! I had a wonderful day with great friends who made it very special for me. My lovely other half managed to come home far earlier than I expected from the event he was organising and brought me these stunning flowers.

I wish you could smell the roses. They smell like gardenias. Just beautiful!