This time of year is always pretty crazy. I bet you have a list of things to do a mile long don't you? Me too.
There has been a special birthday in our house too.

I've also been doing lots of making for Christmas fairs and markets. Here's my stall at last Friday's Devonport Creche Christmas Fair. It started at 7.30pm and involved large amounts of wine. A fantastic way to do your Christmas shopping in my opinion!

I got my Christmas cards out to our international friends and family by the skin of my teeth. I dragged the girls down to the beach last week to take some photos to put inside the cards. My plans to include a lovely picture filled newsletter fell by the wayside yet again but the photos came out great! Here's a couple of the best ones I took.

I've been indulging in little personalised gifts for the girls (really for me!) recently. Have a look at these stunning embroidered heart decorations by Stephanie of Liberty Lane. They are meant to go on the Christmas tree but I think they may stay where they are all year.

I also bought these fantastic fridge magnets from HJRD Design. They look gorgeous and they are a great way for kids to learn to spell their name (if you can bear to let them 'mess up' the design!

This Sunday is my last market of the year thank goodness. Much as I have loved all the thought, design and creativitiy that has gone into creating the goodies for all the Christmas markets, I'm keen to spend a little time making some gifts for my girls and the rest of my family. This Sunday's market is part of the Devonport Christmas Festival which is set to be huge. We have 20 stalls on Windsor Reserve in Devonport from 10-3. There will be a Santa Parade (11am) and loads of other entertainment including a bouncy castle, fire engine, kids rummage sale, food and the wonderful Dance in the Park. Hope you can make it!

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