Inside this incredible cinderella cake are 3 different flavours of cake (chocolate, caramel and vanilla - all delicious)

Cinderella holds the tiniest bluebird in her hands and there are a couple of sparkly mice and a pumpkin at her feet. Beautiful. Sadly none of the little girls in our family are having birthday's anytime soon so we just had to eat the cake. I did manage to bring Cinderella's head and body home with me in the hope that I can reincarnate her as a mermaid for E's birthday in August. Hopefully I will be able to keep her ant free for that time!!
This fabulous cake on the other hand, does have a home to go to. My nephew is turning 6 next month and this is his birthday cake.
He loves wildlife and is having a blue tongue lizard at his birthday party so I think this guy will fit right in!
And here's another photo of the incredible 40 chocolate rose 40th wedding anniversary cake that she made the other week.