Oh hello. Yes, I'm still here. Yes I know I have been really really rubbish at blogging lately but I'm going to make it up to you this coming week. It's
Elsie Marley's Kids Clothes Week Challenge (KCWC) this coming week and I can't wait.
To join in, you need to commit to sewing for kids one hour a day for a week. This is great for me because I've been avoiding the sewing room lately and I need a great big boot up the backside to get myself in there again.
My girls have enough clothes to last them for several winters so I probably won't be making any for them. Instead, I'll be making things for my market stalls and Felt shop. I have so much beautiful fabric that needs using and my addiction to sewing patterns and craft books means that I won't be short of inspiration.
E's fairy wand dress made during last year's challenge |
I nearly lost large amounts of my patterns and books (not to mention my machines) on Friday night. Luckily, Mr Cotton Kiwi was wide awake and checking our basement for signs of flooding at 3am and managed to save them all when a huge wave of water came through my sewing room. It's not the first time our basement has flooded but my sewing room rarely gets wet. This time, a few leaves had got stuck in a drain which meant the drains backed up and the water came through the door. Ugh!
M's reversible dress from last year's challenge
My poor husband was out there in the pouring rain creating a water diversion system that Macguiver would have been proud of. It turns out the roots from a tree next door have grown through the stormwater drain and almost completely blocked it so fingers crossed our new neighbours will be happy to remove the tree.
I've been in my sewing room today giving it a good tidy so I'm all set for next week. Can't wait!